Build Your Perfect Custom Subliminal
Welcome to Quintessence, the world’s most powerful custom subliminal creation platform. You can build fully customized, name-embedded, A.I. powered subliminals to help you achieve all you desire. Choose from over 200+ expertly scripted modules and three power levels to craft your perfect subliminal.

Why Get a Customized Subliminal?
Simply Put: more control over your life with faster, more profound results that are much more tailored to your situation. Our Major Titles available at SubliminalClub are EXTREMELY powerful and can cause amazing change, but the scripts are written in a way that affects most people. With a customized subliminal, you’re choosing the exact modules needed to enhance your life in a way that’s unique to YOU.
"I built a custom I deemed 'The English Millionaire.' A few months later, the CEO of the company I work for tells me how invaluable I was to their success and straight up offers me a share. Only later did it hit me that this small share of the company puts me extremely near the one million mark of cash in the bank. I predict in about 2 weeks I will cross the mark and achieve my dream of being a millionaire."
– From Forum User “OldChap.” Read His Story Here

Does Name Embedding REALLY Help?
YES. Science has proven that you’re much more inclined to accept an idea from external sources when your name is repeated during that conversation (hence why good salesman will say your name over and over during their pitch). The same applies with subliminals. Name-embedded subliminals can initiate positive growth much faster (and deliver greater results) than their counterparts.