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Genesis Core


The core of Genesis Core. From the sales page:

First and foremost, Genesis is designed to help you discover your true purpose — what YOU want to achieve on Earth — and provides you with the tools to achieve those goals. It helps you cultivate an incredible sense of adventure, fearlessness and an enlightened self-awareness. It urges you to ponder about things greater than yourself, and then go into the world and use those lessons to achieve your goals.. The support scripting will then help you dissolve and neutralize any fears that arise that prevent you from becoming who you REALLY are.

The core of Genesis Core. From the sales page:

First and foremost, Genesis is designed to help you discover your true purpose — what YOU want to achieve on Earth — and provides you with the tools to achieve those goals. It helps you cultivate an incredible sense of adventure, fearlessness and an enlightened self-awareness. It urges you to ponder about things greater than yourself, and then go into the world and use those lessons to achieve your goals.. The support scripting will then help you dissolve and neutralize any fears that arise that prevent you from becoming who you REALLY are.

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