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At times you find yourself drifting off into imaginary worlds or being swept up by the powerful whirlpool of emotions. Both can be enjoyable… but they can also be disastrous and distracting. Foundation is designed to help you ground yourself when your head is in the clouds and when you are undergoing emotional turmoil. With Foundation, you will find yourself quickly grabbing hold of yourself in such situations and focusing on the task at hand.

At times you find yourself drifting off into imaginary worlds or being swept up by the powerful whirlpool of emotions. Both can be enjoyable… but they can also be disastrous and distracting. Foundation is designed to help you ground yourself when your head is in the clouds and when you are undergoing emotional turmoil. With Foundation, you will find yourself quickly grabbing hold of yourself in such situations and focusing on the task at hand.

Similarities, differences, combinations: 

Foundation focuses on grounding you during stressful or emotional situations – creating a solid space for you from which you can take action. Eye of the Storm however, helps you get over your negative habits and obliterates the reason for them. Furthermore, your desire and ability to build positive habits improves on Eye of the Storm.

Use Foundation if you find you lose yourself often to powerful emotions and use Eye of the Storm when you have a negative habit (or multiples) that you want to disintegrate – or build a positive one.

You can also combine the two very effectively, as many negative habits are triggered by emotions – so Foundation in combination with Eye of the Storm can help you annihilate negative habits.

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