A module of the Q-Shifting technology line, Apollon has a different focus from Facial Morphing in that it focuses on the overall features and harmony in the body while taking into account both subconscious and conscious desires, as well as what would look optimally and most attractive on you objectively to help you achieve your unique, most objectively attractive physical look. If you desire solely facial changes, consider Facial Morphing. For everything else (while affecting facial features to a degree), Apollon is your choice. You will also notice your confidence in your body improving. Keep in mind, physical shifting is an advanced technology, and it can and will require days, weeks, months, years, as well as dedication, taking action and optimal conditions. No magic pills.
Similarities, differences, combinations:
Apollon will help you develop an all-around harmonious, symmetrical and beautiful composition of the body and face while helping with your self-image.
Meanwhile, Physicality Shifter – Sexiness focuses specifically on sexiness, in addition to secondary characteristics such as your voice.
Finally, Sexiness Unbound helps you tap into your inner sexiness and improve upon it. It will also help you release limiting beliefs you might have about your sexiness.
A man utilizing Apollon will start developing a harmonious, beautiful look. A man on Physicality Shifter – Sexuality will see himself becoming more and more sexy physically, and a man using Sexiness Unbound will find himself feeling more in-tune with his natural sexiness.
Combining Apollon and Physicality Shifter – Sexuality, you would be developing a balance between a beautiful, harmonious look and a sexy one.
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