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Divine Will


Your will, your true will, is a thing of limitless potential. Using the Divine Will module, you will become truly in touch with your true will and steadily become able to manifest quicker, more powerfully and more abundantly.

Your will, your true will, is a thing of limitless potential. Using the Divine Will module, you will become truly in touch with your true will and steadily become able to manifest quicker, more powerfully and more abundantly.

Similarities, differences, combinations: 

Divine Will focuses directly on your will – strengthening it and helping you achieve greater control over it so that you can use it for your goals. Jupiter however, specializes on your ability to manifest and on your control over reality. Your will can be used for many things, spiritual included such as manifestation and magic, while Jupiter is your power and skill at manifesting being strengthened. Not only that, but Jupiter helps all your manifestations become much more profound and numerous. 

Yggdrasil differs from both in the fact that it affects pathways of manifestation directly, influencing and opening numerous possibilities for you, especially the most unlikely ones that you never thought were possible or thought of. 

Dominion is related slightly to Divine Will, however it affects your overall authority on all levels, especially spiritual. Dominion can be of great benefit as authority can make reality more pliable and easier to change, hence why adding it to your custom can provide a unique advantage to your subliminal journey. It is also an excellent addition to those with a spiritual inclination, as authority is considered of great importance in spiritual arts. 

Tyrant differs from others in that it strengthens all the levels of your mind and optimizes its working, so that your mind has a stronger grasp over reality. It can be used as a training regiment for the power your subconscious mind can exert over reality. Add it to generally strengthen your mind’s ability to manifest and shift reality. 

Finally, Current Invoker helps you tune your being into a specific current of great power and energy. By adding Current Invoker, you could focus, for example, more and more on wealth, and if you were sensitive enough you could feel as if you are being filled with a profound sense of abundance and being easily swept along with the energy, guiding you to incredible opportunities that unleash abundant wealth in your life for you.

Many powerful synergistic effects can be achieved by mixing these, for example strengthening your will through Divine Will and utilizing Tyrant would train the power of your mind and will to incredible levels, allowing for incredible results. Consider the possibilities, as figuring out your own combinations can help you consciously guide your custom in new ways.
