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Machine: Action


There are numerous distractions in our day-to-day lives. Machine: Action optimizes your whole day so that you remove distractions and time wasting activities, and instead use it to focus on what truly matters to you. You will find your desire for empty activity lessening, and your motivation to create and work increasing more and more.

There are numerous distractions in our day-to-day lives. Machine: Action optimizes your whole day so that you remove distractions and time wasting activities, and instead use it to focus on what truly matters to you. You will find your desire for empty activity lessening, and your motivation to create and work increasing more and more.

Similarities, differences, combinations:

Machine: Action focuses on optimizing your whole day, all 24 hours. It will help you optimize your sleep, work, eating, fitness, etc. It will do so in a way that helps you attain maximum results with the least amount of time spent. 

Productivity Unleashed in turn pushes you to develop your desire for productivity and dissolves negative beliefs that stop you from being your most productive self. It also directly helps you get into the zone whenever you are working towards your goals. 

You can see it as a macro and micro approach – Machine: Action helps optimize your strategy while Productivity Unleashed focuses on your tactics. 

By utilizing both in your custom you can ensure incredible, optimized productivity all day.

  • Asclepius
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