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Natural Winner


Sometimes there are people who seem as if they always are winning no matter what they do in life. This module is meant to create such a natural winner. But what people often don’t see is the dark side of such natural winning – an unrelenting motivation that pushes through all failures that happen. Failure will disappear, it will not exist in your reality. What will exist in its place is a learning tool. You will also let go of negativity, and you will start feeling as if success is simply your destiny and is inevitable. And it truly is when you can advance your subconscious potential.

Sometimes there are people who seem as if they always are winning no matter what they do in life. This module is meant to create such a natural winner. But what people often don’t see is the dark side of such natural winning – an unrelenting motivation that pushes through all failures that happen. Failure will disappear, it will not exist in your reality. What will exist in its place is a learning tool. You will also let go of negativity, and you will start feeling as if success is simply your destiny and is inevitable. And it truly is when you can advance your subconscious potential.

Similarities, differences, combinations:

Natural Winner is for those who desire to add a powerful pillar of success into their custom. It is a module that gradually shifts your mindset of someone who is always a winner, no matter what happens, creating a profound success-based thinking. Furthermore, it will work on removing negative thoughts and mindset that claims you won’t be successful. 

Overdrive is a module that pushes into overdrive all success-oriented thoughts and subliminal influence. It works on enforcing such programming and making it deeper. It also acts as a result enhancer module if you have any success-oriented modules/cores in that it uses the success module towards furthering the goals of all the modules in your custom. 

Natural Winner is the pillar of success – add it if you desire more success scripting. Overdrive intertwines with all success-related programming and uses it towards furthering the whole custom. 

Combining the two can be excellent as both will work in tandem to help you develop massive success. 

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