Q subliminals can be extremely intense – start with one or two loops a day, and see how you react. If you believe you can increase the dosage, do so by a loop at a time. Reconciliation is when there is a conflict between your current subconscious beliefs and the beliefs you wish to develop by using the subliminal, and can result in a number of different symptoms. If you encounter massive reconciliation, you have a couple of options:
- Break through. Keep listening until you have a break through, maybe even increase the dosage. Make sure to keep an eye out for what nagging feelings or uncomfortable situations particularly pain you – this is likely what the subliminal is trying to point out to you for you to fix.
- Lower the dosage. This will lessen the power of the reconciliation, and allow for a smoother ride.
- Take a rest day. A rest day will allow your subconscious mind to fully process the subliminal, and this can cause you to experience profound results when the subconscious mind does so.